Corporate Training

DNA LEARNING > Corporate Training

Gamification drives behavioural change, boosts knowledge retention, improves employee assessments and highlights competency gaps. 

To stay relevant and competitive in today’s fast-paced business world, your employees must perform at their best. We create tailor-made corporate training programs that are in sync with your organization’s business goals while catering to individual learning requirements.

We deliver impactful, interactive workshops tailored to address unique learning requirements, fostering in-depth discussions and ensuring maximum learner engagement.

Some of  our corporate training topics includes:

Employee Onboarding
Leadership Development
Sales Performance
Project Management
Supply Chain Management
Negotiation & Conflict Management
Performance Management
Employee Teambuilding
Creativity & Innovation
Monitoring and Evaluation
Public Sector Management
Management Development Program

• Training consultation services and extensive training need analysis on your behalf.

• In-depth knowledge sharing and interaction through our training solutions to enhance your skills and inspire your business talent.

• Customized training programs that are designed to fulfil your organizational needs.

• Training Programs conducted by highly skilled, professional, trainers.

• Extensive and well planned course structure from an industry point of view.